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I am working on a search engine to make it simpler for Russian users to find and order different goods. It will allow search for goods and reviews in Russian (e.g. mp3 player: http://dxreviews.fonarevka.ru/cgi-bin/nph-LazDXR.cgi?query=mp3+player&srchmode=wreviews (on Russian) or http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdxreviews.fonarevka.ru%2Fcgi-bin%2Fnph-LazDXR.cgi%3Fquery%3Dmp3%2Bplayer%26srchmode%3Dwreviews (google translated) ). I added goods presented on your web-site to the database, but I am not sure that I've got a full list. Could you send me a list of links to all the goods on your web-site? I think the more links to the goods you sell there are in my database, the more probable it is that the clients will select your shop to buy from. Thank you in advance.



I think that you can search the items with the key words just like flaslight,battery,charger etc...

then you would have the goods list below for your checking and selection,let me know after you got it or you

still have any question. thank you! from Shenzhen-wholesale